Phase I of the R& D project
In the research and development process, researchers must create a prototype innovation and then:
1) Logical Review and Analysis of the Preliminary Quality of the Prototype; Using Expert Judgement or assessment by relevant practitioners.
2) Try out the innovation set with a small target group to assess its practical feasibility, identify weaknesses, and make improvements.
In these two steps, the preliminary quality Indicators of the innovation set are key indicators, including:
(1) Propriety/Appropriateness,
(2) Feasibility,
(3) Accuracy/Validity,
(4) Potential benefits for the target group, and
(5) Potential for sustainable development.
Phase II of the R&D Project
Pilot Study/Implementing the innovation set with a sample group or actual target group in a real-world operational context to study its effectiveness. Effectiveness here refers to the actual utilities, which may be measured by the expected outcomes of the innovation set and the reaction or feelings of the target group or stakeholders.
In this step, the key indicators may include:
(1) the actual benefits or Utilities of the innovation,
(2) the trend for sustainable development, and
(3) the Reaction of the target group (satisfaction, opinions on strengths or weaknesses of the innovation).