Whenever you plan to conduct research and development that aims to develop innovation, some researchers specify the objectives of the problem and need survey as the first research objective as follows: 1) To explore the problems and needs in developing a quality assurance system within the educational institution, 2) To develop an internal quality assurance system that is effective and appropriate for small schools, and 3) To evaluate the effectiveness of the internal quality assurance system that has been applied in the context of real educational situation.
For the above research objectives, some experts will ask you, "If it is found that the target group does not face any problems and has no special needs for development at all, how will you proceed with research objectives ์No. 2) and 3)?" Will you have to terminate the research project?
The researcher should appropriately describe the current problems or needs in the topic “Background of the Research” before considering an innovation to develop or upgrade the quality of that issue. Therefore, he should study the current situation, problems, and needs before conducting the R&D project. Exploring the problems and needs should not be the first objective of the R&D research.