Case study No.1
การวิจัยเรื่อง "รูปแบบการจัดกิจกรรมการเรียนแบบร่วมมือสำหรับนักเรียนกลุ่มคละความสามารถระดับประถมศึกษา ในโรงเรียนนานาชาติ ในประเทศไทย"
Research Title: "Developing Cooperative Learning Activities for Mixed-Abilities Elementary Students in an International School in Thailand".
How to Create a list of Literature Topics that should Review
you may ask for AI to help you; it may give a lot of Sub-topics to you, You should categorize all of the sub-topics into the Main Topics
Finally, for me, I have decided to create a list of Topics like this
I. Concepts and Theories in Cooperative Learning
· Definition
· Characteristics of CL
· Types of CL
· Instructional process of CL
· Measuring the effectiveness of CL
· Research and Case studies on CL
II. Instructional Activities for Mixed-Abilities Students
· The character of Mixed abilities Classroom
· Nature of students in Mixed abilities Classroom
· Research and Case studies related to instruction
in Mixed-ability Class.
III. Elementary Education in International School
· Curriculum for Elementary Education
· Child Development
· Nature of IS in Thailand
· Case studies
IV. Developing an Instructional Model/ Management System/Administrative Model
· The Nature of approach or Model
· Types of Model or Instructional activities
· Quality Indicators of any Model[Preliminary Indicators and Effectiveness Indicators]
· Case Studies on developing an administration Model
Self-Assessment for the coverage of Reviewed Literature; Please Consider, if the list covers;
(1) The Content or Variables of the study,
(2) Context of the study, and
(3) Research methodology of the study
Case Study No.2
A Researcher is going to conduct a Research Named: "Developing the Balanced
Scorecard Management System to Strengthen the Alumni Engagement of STOU, Thailand.”
What is the related Literature that should be reviewed; Please Specify the list of
Topics that should be reviewed
Finally, the Researcher structures the reviewed Literature like this
1. Strategic Management System and the Balanced Scorecard
Strategic Management System; Meaning, Theories, Processes, etc.
The Meaning and Nature of the BSC; meaning, nature, Dimensions, the process of applying BSC, etc.
Case studies in Applying the BSC
2. Role of Alumni in the Educational Management System
Alumni as a group of Audience of any University
Alumni Association and function
Alumni Engagement
A Case Study of Alumni Engagement
3. Higher Education in Thailand and STOU
Function of Higher Education Institute in Thailand
Nature of STOU
Research related to the role of STOU
4. Developing a Management System/Model
· The meaning of Approach, Model, or management system
· How to develop a Model
· How to Measure the Quality of Management System
· Case Studies that try to develop a model