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Selecting the Area of Concentration

 Ph.D. Program(Educational Administration)

 Creating a new body of knowledge in the area of Educational Administration focuses on:-  

1. The R&D Research;  Researchers are Going to develop an Innovation(Administrative Innovation); refer to an Invention/Artifact, or An Operating model/Development guidelines/Development steps


2. Correlational Studies that focus on Multi-Variate Analysis and finding of new administrative Variables affecting Educational Quality




 M.Ed.(Educational Administration---EA)

 1. The R&D Research;  Researchers are Going to develop an Innovation; refer to an Invention/Artifact, or An Operating model/Development guidelines/Development steps, for supporting Management System.


2. Correlational Studies that focuses on Multi-Variate Analysis and finding of new administrative Variables affecting Educational Quality/Effectiveness of Admnistration.

3. Analytical Studies ; study the currents,Problems, Best Practice, or needs , and Propose Guideline for the Development of some aspects of Management System.

4. Program effectiveness Research;  to verify the effectiveness of any curriculum, analyze and synthesize good practices, factors related to the program effectiveness, impacts of the curriculum,  and propose strategies for increasing the effectiveness of the curriculum.



 M.Ed.(Learning Management Science...LMS)

 1. The R&D Research;  Researchers are Going to develop an Innovation; refer to an Invention/Artifact, or An Operating model/Development guidelines/Development steps, for supporting Learning Management,Learning Support , or developing a curriculum.


2. Correlational Studies that focuses on Multi-Variate Analysis and finding of new Instructional Variables affecting Educational Quality/Effectiveness of Teaching.


3. Analytical Studies ; study the current status,Problems, Best Practice, or needs , and Propose Guideline for Development of some aspects of Instructional Activities/learning Management.

4. Program effectiveness Research;  to verify the effectiveness of any curriculum, analyze and synthesize good practices, factors related to the program effectiveness, impacts of the curriculum,  and propose strategies for increasing the effectiveness of the curriculum.


Conducting A Thesis; Step by Step

 1. Propose a Concept Paper​

2. Propose A research Proposal

3. Developing Research Instruments

4. Data Collecting

5. Data Analysing

6. Creating A Research Report & Publish Research Article

7. Oral Defense

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